frequently asked questions
Learn more about our sensors and technology!
What Types of Concrete Mix Designs Can I Monitor?
All types of concrete mix designs can be tested (calibrated) per ASTM C1074, which is a precondition for the maturity (strength) monitoring of the concrete with Concrete Sensors.
What Types of Concrete Elements Can I Monitor?
All types of structural and nonstructural concrete elements can be monitored using our Concrete Sensors, including but not limited to slabs, walls, columns, beams, foundations, roads, etc.
What Are The Lab Testing Types?
The Ultimate Lab Testing service consists of approximately (20) 4”x8” cylinders cured in a room-temp water bath and approximately (100) 2” mortar cubes cured in water baths of four different temperatures. Ultimate Lab Testing follows ASTM C1074 Equivalent Age function, but rather than testing at the required minimum of three temperatures, Concrete Sensors decided on four in order to provide increased accuracy.
The Premium Lab Testing service consists of approximately (20) 4”x8” cylinders cured in a room-temp water bath and approximately (25) 2” mortar cubes cured in a room-temp water bath. Premium Lab Testing follows ASTM C1074 Nurse-Saul function, which only requires testing at one temperature, but isn’t as accurate as testing at four temperatures and following the Equivalent Age function. This is especially true when curing temperatures of the in-place concrete vary over a wider range.
What Return on Investment (ROI) Can I Expect?
Concrete Sensors provides accurate, real-time information about your jobsite concrete. Our concrete sensors help you make faster and better decisions, and get your projects done ahead of schedule and under budget.
Monitoring the temperature of your jobsite concrete with our wireless concrete sensors and customized automatic alerts empower you to take early actions before a problem forms, protecting your concrete from damage. This helps you stay compliant with thermal control plans and potentially reduce heating costs in cold weather.
Which Sensor Models Do I Need?
The Concrete Sensor sales program is designed to best meet the needs of your specific application (type of monitoring) and offers a variety of different models. Please contact Concrete Sensors at for a demo or consultation.
How Do I Order Concrete Sensors?
Contact us to place an order. We’ll also help you select the right items for your project and make sure you have the best experience. You can also email us directly:
How Do I Install the Sensors?
Sensors should be attached to the reinforcement with the included zip-ties at a maximum depth of 6 inches below the concrete surface. Follow the instructions for use or watch the how-to videos titled “How To Install a Sensor to Rebar” or “How To Install B3, B8 or B15 Sensors to Rebar” down below. If you need additional support, please contact us at
How Deep Can Concrete Sensors Be Installed?
The standard Concrete Sensors HCS T1 and HCS T2 with the sensor and transmitter integrated in one housing can be installed up to 6 inches below the concrete surface. The standard cabled versions HCS T1-Bx and HCS T2-Bx allow base modules to be installed up to 6 inches, but the sensor can be installed up to 15 feet deep. Cabled versions with custom installation depths up to 100 feet are available upon request with special order.
What Data Collection Option is Right for Me (Bluetooth or Long Range) and Why?
Long Range data collection with HCS T2 concrete sensors and HCS Gateway is fully automated, and sensors can be accessed anytime 24/7 from virtually anywhere without having to be on the jobsite. This option is very efficient and ideal for projects that require continuous monitoring with real-time alerts, such as mass concrete or cold weather. The required HCS Gateway can be rented from Concrete Sensors for the monitoring period.
Bluetooth data collection is the lower cost option and requires at least 1 person onsite to connect to sensors. This option is efficient and ideal for projects that don’t require continuous off-hours monitoring.
If you are unsure what is the better option for you, please contact Concrete Sensors at for a demo or consultation.
Why Can’t I Connect to a Sensor?
- Ensure Bluetooth is turned on in your mobile device.
- Ensure there are no obstructions between your mobile device and the location of the sensor in the concrete (standing water/ice/snow, equipment, materials, formwork, etc.).
- Try removing the protective case from your mobile device.
- Try moving slowly in small circles over the sensor location.
Long Range
- Ensure HCS Gateway is added to the project.
- Ensure there is consistent power to the HCS Gateway.
- Ensure gateway is showing a green checkmark in the mobile app.
See how to add a sensor in the Hilti Concrete Sensors app by watching our video titled “How To Add a Sensor in the App” down below.
Why Can’t I Invite Collaborators?
For iOS, the Concrete Sensors mobile app will try to connect to your email via the default email app – if you are using a different app for email, please copy the link that appears on screen and paste it into an email or text to the intended collaborator(s). Also, see more in our video titled “How To Set Alerts, Share Data, and Invite Collaborators” down below.
Why Does My Data Look Wrong?
Check whether the pour date/time in the mobile app is correct. If not, go to ‘Edit Pour’ and adjust accordingly. If something still doesn’t look right, please contact us for support at
Why Am I Missing Data?
Check to ensure your mobile device has an internet connection (mobile network and/or WiFi) – it should sync automatically. If something still seems to be missing, please contact us for support at
Why Isn’t My HCS Gateway Showing a Green Checkmark in the Mobile App, Indicating It’s Online?
Ensure the gateway is added to the project and there is consistent power to the gateway. See how to properly set up a gateway with our video “How To Set Up a Gateway” down below. If there is still no green checkmark showing in the mobile app, please contact us for support at
Ultimate Lab Services
How is Hilti Concrete Sensors Lab (HCS Lab) service different from a traditional third-party lab?
Conventional third-party labs pour test samples, cured at one temperature, and then break those samples to build a reference curve of strength gain. This can be adequate to build a maturity model if the in-place field concrete cures near the temperature of the reference curve.
What about high early temperatures? What about Day-night fluctuations? What about winter concreting?
In addition to test cylinders for a reference curve, Hilti Concrete Sensors lab includes multitemperature mortar cube testing. The HCS Lab casts 100 mortar cubes that are cured at four different temperatures. The cube samples are tested during a 28-day curing process. Measuring the increased rate of strength gain at higher temperature and decreased rate of strength gain at lower temperatures results in a more complete maturity model. By measuring temperature sensitivity of concrete, our services build the most accurate maturity model for in-place concrete strength estimation.
We make it easy! Our team will coordinate materials from your local supplier, test, and ensure your mix is available in the mobile app. The HCS Lab offers a unique testing experience that is not available anywhere else.
What are the steps in the testing process?
The Hilti Concrete Sensors Lab (HCS Lab) is responsible for conducting Ultimate Testing of the concrete mix, enabling your mix to be available in the app and to be used on job sites. Throughout the testing process, the HCS lab will facilitate all the necessary communication to ensure the testing procedures go smoothly.
The steps are:
- HCS Lab will engage directly with the concrete supplier to ship raw materials, stone, sand, cementitious, and chemical admixtures to the lab in Burlington, Massachusetts
- Lab team will complete the full testing procedures.
- The lab team will analyze those data and build the maturity model.
- The mix will go directly into the app and be ready for use by the customer.
Even after testing has been completed, the team will continue to offer support throughout the on-site process and follow up reports. The HCS Lab prides itself on making the process as easy as possible.
When does the testing take place?
The Lab team encourages testing to be started 5 weeks before the initial pour on the jobsite. This allows ample time for testing to be completed. Another thing to consider is the shipment of raw materials. The HCS Lab Team conducts all the processes in the lab located in Burlington Massachusetts, including batching of the materials. Raw materials are shipped directly from the concrete supplier and shipping time can vary. Consider a few weeks for coordination prior to when testing is supposed to start.
How is the reference curve created when testing with multiple temperatures?
A reference curve is how a concrete mix will perform at a specific temperature. Reliable maturity models need two components:
- Reference curve
- Temperature sensitivity of the mix design
At temperatures higher (lower) than the reference curve, the concrete will gain strength faster (slower) than the reference concrete. Testing at multiple temperatures means a model that better estimates strength as real-world temperatures fluctuate away from the reference temperature.
Do you adjust the temperatures of the baths?
We do not. All four of our temperature baths are kept constant. The temperatures are regulated using heaters and chillers. We monitor the temperature baths with a data logger to ensure that the proper temperatures are kept even when no one is in the building.
What if my mix changes?
The HCS Lab focuses on chemistry that affects the curing process. Changes to cementitious materials or admixture dosages can have significant influences on the mix design. Changes to aggregate usually will not affect chemistry. Completing the verification process at the end of testing, can help quantify the changes made. If major changes are made to cementitious or chemical admixtures, we usually encourage the mix to be re-tested. The HCS team is here to support and work through the mix designs with you. If you are changing the mix and want to know if it does in fact need to be re-tested, contact the HCS team at and we will help identify the best path forward.
How long does testing take?
Once the material arrives at the HCS lab, the testing takes 5 weeks. That includes 28 days of mixing and compression tests, and about a week to prep and upload the mix into the app.
How do the concrete samples get to the Lab in Burlington Massachusetts?
Before shipment of the raw materials, you must provide the mix design(s) that are to be tested. The HCS team will set up a call to include everyone that is on the project where we will confirm all the details associated with the mix. The lab advise quantities needed to be shipped to the HCS lab. Samples are then batched and tested in Burlington MA.
How much material do I need to send for testing?
Materials are shipped in 5-gallon buckets on a pallet. The HCS Lab team will send a “shopping list” with all the material broken down by bucket. A usual mix includes about 8-10 buckets but can vary depending on the number of different types of materials in the mix.
I am not in North America. Can I still use the Hilti Concrete Sensors Lab?
Absolutely. This process is a little more in depth but generally we ship the cementitious materials and the chemical admixtures. All other materials we will locally source.