Sustainable Concrete
with Concrete Sensors
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Concrete sustainability is a topic that can no longer be ignored within the construction industry. Addressing this issue requires implementing measures that not only reduce environmental impacts but also enhance long-term viability.
Concrete Sensors is committed to supporting sustainable construction and improving concrete’s role in this effort. From building with less to using more sustainable materials, Concrete Sensors’ innovative monitoring solution can directly impact the sustainability of concrete. Watch our video to learn more.

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Concrete is the most important material used in construction with cement as its key functional ingredient. Cement production typically requires fossil fuels to “burn” the cement and generates CO2 as a direct by-product of the chemical reaction.
Concrete Sensors is taking action to create a more sustainable future with solutions that significantly reduce the carbon footprint of concrete and create more sustainable construction. Download our eBook to learn more about Concrete Sensors’ efforts and the top sustainability trends in the construction industry.
The Problem
Carbon Emissions
Concrete contributes 8% of all man- made CO2 emissions, and addressing this is considered a major lever for the fight against climate change.
More than two thirds of all climate gas emissions generated in construction stem from the use of concrete.
Concrete strength usually is only roughly estimated through proxy samples that are tested at certain moments and under lab conditions. The curing speed of proxy lab samples usually is significantly different from in-situ concrete, cured under real job site conditions. In order to err on the side of caution, the resulting uncertainty about actual strength is mitigated by using “stronger” concrete mixes than technically required. This can lead to increased consumption of cement by up to 30%.
Global CO2 Emissions by Category
Source: Cement and Concrete: The Environmental Impact — PSCI (

Our Mission
To minimize carbon emissions, we provide transparency on your concrete projects. Concrete Sensors is taking action to reduce the environmental impact of concrete, starting with the improvement of traditional processes and the materials used.
The Solution:
In-Situ Concrete Monitoring
Cement Producers & Ready-Mix Plants
offer a portfolio of concrete recipes which are profiled for performance (curing speed, ultimate strength, etc.) & associated carbon footprint.
Structural Engineers choose the most adequate ready-mixes to achieve the required performance with minimum carbon footprint and without the need for overspecification.
Concrete Contractors have full visibility of actual concrete performance and can secure quality and optimize their schedules, avoiding unnecessary waiting times.
Concrete Sensors provides the reliable and economic monitoring solution, the critical field support to secure proper and simple utilization, and the data management to connect all involved players (automated on-site data collection, data and report sharing, ready-mix databases, and easy-to-use apps).

Using Supplementary
Cementitious Materials
Producing concrete mixes with reduced carbon footprint (higher amounts of fly ash, different cement formulas, special additives, etc.) results in different curing and performance behavior. Our concrete sensors have the additional measures needed to control appropriate concrete strength of these supplementary materials for safe and robust use in construction.